
SCONA 2023 Videos

SCONA 2023 Wed 8th March 2023, Brisbane, Australia. Talk 2.1 Dr Saikat Basu, Modeling of respiratory infection onset mechanics for airborne pathogenic transmissions

SCONA 2023 Wed 8th March 2023, Brisbane, Australia. Talk 4.1 Patrick Warfield-McAlpine, New insights into the breathing physiology from transient respiratory nasal simulation

SCONA 2023 Wed 8th March 2023, Brisbane, Australia. Talk 1.5 Prof Kazuhide Ito, Numerical analysis of acetone adsorption in olfactory region using in silico upper airway model

SCONA 2023 Wed 8th March 2023, Brisbane, Australia. Talk 1.6 Dr Matthew Staymates, Lessons Learned from the Dog Nose; The External Aerodynamics of Canine

SCONA 2022 Videos

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 1: Nasal sprays: Important new insights and discoveries

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 1: Nose-to-brain: targeted drug delivery to the CNS via nasal sprays

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 1: Effect of nozzle position on nasal spray penetration beyond the nasal valve

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 1: Nasal spray liquid film formation and translocation in adult and paediatric noses

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 1: CFD simulation of airflow and microfiber deposition in two different human respiratory tracts

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 1: In silico study to enhance delivery efficiency of nanoscale nasal spray aerosols to the olfactory region using external magnetic fields

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 2: Nasal obstruction: what are our noses sensing?

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 2: Cough jet dynamics, droplet transport, and inhalability over a ten minute exposure

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 2: Obstructive sleep apnea in children: neuromuscular control and disease severity

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 2: Identifying greatest obstructive sites for surgical correction of nasal obstruction in subjects with cleft lip nasal deformity

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 2: Calculating breathing effort in the neonatal airway based on imaging parameters

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 2: Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling of nasal nitric oxide levels in human subjects

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 2: Investigation of septal deviation effects on nasal airflow on 3 subjects using CFD method

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 2: 3D models of the nose and the paranasal sinuses created with the rhinodiagnost service before and after FESS

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 2: A systematic review of the role of computational flow dynamics in the assessment and management of obstructive sleep apnea

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Computational modeling of particle transport and dispersion –environmental and biological applications

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Image-guided computational models to better classify uncontrolled asthma

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Computer model of human respiratory tree: a research and industrial routine, a regulatory reality and a clinical promise

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Computer simulated person for predicting inhalation exposure and airborne infection

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Aid airway obstruction diagnosis with computational fluid dynamics and convolutional neural network

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Towards in-situ visualization and virtual surgery in nasal cavities

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Vortex identification and its influence on particle exposure characteristics in a realistic human nasal airway

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Spacial deposition and larynx developmental analysis of 6 year-olds through Computational Fluid Particle Dynamics

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Shape optimization for respiratory flows through reinforcement learning

SCONA 2022, January 22, Oklahoma, USA. Session 3: Nasal saline irrigation using computational fluid dynamics

SCONA 2018 Videos

SCONA 2018, April 22, London, UK. Session 1: Engineering Fundamentals

SCONA 2018, April 22, London, UK. Session 2: Sim. & Clin. Implications

SCONA 2018, April 22, London, UK. Session 3: Clinical

SCONA 2018, April 22, London, UK. Session 4: Frontiers and New Research